Just to be clear.
I want a plethora of choices of post secondary educational opportunities presented at public schools.
This issue started when there were an overwhelming amount of military visits to this small rural school and few trade school or colleges
that came to the campus.
where my kid goes .
I got there 15 minutes early and darned if they had not arrived and checked in
1/2 hour before that.
The head recruiter got briefed by the principal about me and given the "list" of what they can and cannot do.
This list of administrative rules regarding recruiters only exists because I worked hard to make it so.
There were no rules before me.
He said he was tired because
he was up late talking to people and telling them truthful things about joining the Marines.
Yes, HE SAID that.
They had an "ammo" ( I am not certain that an "ammo" box has any place in a public school...) box that was filled with sand and got young boys to sign a waiver to see how many times they could lift it over their head in two minutes.
So if the kid does a certain amount of lifts, - he - or she will get a "prize."
I am not kidding!
A prize.
A Marine lanyard.
A Marine keychain.
A Marine poster.
You, dear reader, and I, have paid for these prizes with our taxes.
Kids fell for this big time.
The waiver they sign incidentally gives their contact info.
The head recruiter told them that if they check the "no-contact" box he will not call them.
I bet some other recruiter will.
Get this:
THIS FRIDAY is the school community clean up day.
The same head honcho recruiter is going to VOLUNTEER to help.
That is now 2 recruitment efforts in less than 2 weeks.
There is MORE!
Next week the same head recruiter will be back to teach all the high school PE classes via the "Marine Corps Youth Physical Fitness" program.
That is a recruiting program spelled out clearly in the Marine Corps description of the program.
So now that is 3 Marine recruitment efforts at this small rural school where there are only
40 kids per GRADE.
Oh, yeah....
The head recruiter also stopped the band teacher in the hall to ask if he could come talk to the band about the Marines - cause the Marines have the oldest band and .....yadda yadda yadda.