- He is trained that poorer rural schools are more likely to let him do what he wants?
- He likes the scenic drive to the small rural school?
- Perhaps my presence on campus when recruiters are there is an affront to his hoo-rah buddy system of always being right and he is "marking" his territory/
I went to the school with two friends of mine and here is what we saw:
It is not your typical PE class calisthetics. This "exercise" has on person on the ground, face up, and other public school students on each side and they are to drag the inert student in the middle. Yes. Just like in a war movie. Yes. Just like in boot camp. Except that this is in public school.
They also had students carrying other students across their back and walking for 25 feet or so. Kinda like you would carry a wounded comrade in a move. Or in Afghanistan, or in this public school when the Marine recruiter is the teacher.
The physical education class was led by the Marine Corps RECRUITER and his assistant was a graduate from this small rural school who had joined the Marine Corps. I do not think either of those two have a degree in physical education.
Here is the recruiter's first visit ever to the small rural school on May 13th. He is demonstrating the proper "ammo" can lift.
So, the video above is from when he was back once again to this small rural school on May 22nd to run the PE classes.
Turns out that this recruiter has a lot of time on his hands to woo this small rural school district and the students as he showed up at the high school graduation to hand out awards on June7th.
To recap:
1st visit ever by this recruiter to this school - May 13
2nd visit - May 16
3rd visit - May 22nd
4th visit - for graduation - June 7th
But, I am not buying it.